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Home » MYTHS’
January 28, 2013


5. EOBR data is easily manipulated.
Kraft: “Carriers are accountable for log accuracy. With these electronic records, it’s hard to make the data go away, and enforcement knows what to look for. When you make edits, you can’t just make things disappear, and you have six months of data.”

Dinino: “We do monitor and run reports regularly. Any log violations, we do one-on-one meetings with the drivers. The other part is that we nor they manipulate drivers’ hours. And drivers do not have a propensity to falsify those hours. We’ve had very little pushback with regard to propensity for manipulation of data.”

Lowry: You know, initially on paper logs, there was anywhere from a 10- to 15-day delay before a driver turned the logs in. Almost 30 days being the eight ball on auditing logs. EOBRs give us real-time ability. If the log goes into violation, we can address it immediately, before it turns into a full 30 days’ worth of problems.”

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