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Home » Healthy Trucking News
October 18, 2012

Healthy Trucking News

“Truckers are the ones who carry the country,They deserve access to fitness centers and good food and health care like the rest of us.”

-Now, lets be honest, staying in shape and healthy while driving a truck is no easy task. There are actually some options being made available to truck drivers to help them gain a more healthy lifestyle.
From a Good Morning America story I found out that Trucking companies have begun to embrace health and fitness initiatives for their big rig road warriors. For about $20 a month, drivers now have access to free weights and cardio machines. Their membership also entitles them to access at any of the 1,400 regular Snap Fitness facilities, 60 of which have tractor-trailer friendly parking lots.

Besides their Snap partnership, Rolling Strong offers truckside health evaluations that include a blood pressure check, body fat measurement and weigh in. They provide printed workout manuals plus a special internet health channel where truckers can log on for fitness classes and videos promoting healthy lifestyle habits.

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