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Home » Claim Reporting

Claim Reporting

In Case of an Accident:

  • Obtain names, addresses & phone numbers of all parties involved, including witnesses.
  • Note the date, time and location of accident.
  • Obtain license numbers of vehicles involved.
  • Report Accident to police department or other designated authority.
  • Obtain name and badge number of investigating officer, if applicable.
  • Obtain name of other person’s insurance company and policy number, if available.

To submit a claim use one of the appropriate company links below. If none are available for yourparticular claim, contact us directly at [email protected] or click below to process your claim.

Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Time

Process Claim


Berkshire Hathaway

Canal Insurance

Falls Lake Insurance

National Indemnity Company


Northland Insurance


Transportaion Insurors, Inc.

TRINITY INSURANCE SERVICES, LLC dba in California as Trinity Commercial Insurance Services LLC & in New York as Trinity Commercial Insurance Services LLC.

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